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File Structure

├── acf-json : ACF field data
├── blocks : Gutenberg block definitions, templates, etc.
│   ├── acf-blocks : ACF blocks
│   ├── js-blocks : Custom react blocks, incl. build tools
├── docs
│   ├── components : Component docs + sample data for each one
├── inc
│   ├── blocks : Loaders for both ACF and custom react blocks
│   ├── fa-icons : Raw Font Awesome SVGs
│   ├── template-tags : Helper functions for HTML snippets
│   ├── utilities : Misc. helper functions
│   ├── acf-customization.php : Filter fields to add custom options
│   ├── acf-relationships.php : Set up bi-directional relationship fields
│   ├── ajax.php : Custom ajax handlers
│   ├── class-tgm-plugin-activation.php : Core functionality for requiring plugins
│   ├── cleanup.php
│   ├── custom-post-types.php : Register custom post types and taxonomies from JSON
│   ├── docs.php : Set up docs routing, templates, helpers
│   ├── enqueue-scripts.php : Load scripts and styles
│   ├── external-links.php : Handle links to programs off-site
│   ├── gutenberg.php : Gutenberg customization
│   ├── maintenance-mode.php : Set up maintenance warning banner
│   ├── permissions.php : Definition of custom permissions based on user role
│   ├── preconnect.php : Function for child themes to register preconnect URLs
│   ├── mix-helpers.php : Helpers for loading correct assets in dev/production
│   ├── required-plugins.php : Set up TGM class with wp-plugins.json
│   ├── rewrites.php : Set up custom URL structure for blogs, docs
│   ├── setup.php : Main theme setup
│   ├── theme-settings.php : Functions for accessing specific theme settings from child theme
│   ├── theme-support.php
│   ├── tiny-mce-customization.php
│   ├── twig-functions.php : Enable PHP functions for use in twig
├── post-taxonomies : JSON files with custom taxonomy definitions
├── post-types : JSON files with custom post type definitions
├── public : Built scripts, styles, fonts, images
├── src : Source scripts, styles, fonts, images
├── templates : Twig templates
│   ├── components : Markup for standard components
│   ├── partial : Misc. templates
├── vendor : PHP dependencies installed with composer
├── composer.json : PHP dependencies list
├── package.json : npm dependencies list
├── style.css : WordPress theme name, version, etc.
├── theme.config.js : Options for build process
├── webpack.mix.js : Core build process setup
└── wp-plugins.json : List of required WordPress plugins