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Online Master of Business Administration (MBA) Courses

Curriculum Details

30 total credit hours required

While pursuing your Master of Business Administration online with Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM), you’ll build expertise in business concepts that give you a competitive edge, with the option to finish the program in one year. Our faculty members bring relevant experience to each online course, helping you hit the ground running in your career after completing our master’s level business degree program. And as one of the only universities with a dedicated AI Lab, AUM prepares you to harness automation to enhance your decision-making as a business leader.

The STEM-designated MBA provides students with electives to enhance expertise in areas such as artificial intelligence, data systems, e-commerce, and more. The College of Business offers electives based on faculty availability and student demand. We expect to provide at least one MBA elective course during each eight-week term. Review our graduate catalog for a list of courses and consult with your advisor to find the best options based on your interests and course availability.

Business Core Program


Identification, selection and use of accounting information for management decision making with an emphasis on management’s control responsibilities and the financial impact of management’s decisions on the firm.

Discounted cash flow, capital asset, arbitrage and option pricing financial valuation models are applied to single, multinational and multi-business firms. Valuation factors, including the cost of capital and capital structure, are identified. Managerial opportunities to create value are further explored by evaluation of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures. It is strongly suggested that a student take ACCT 6220 prior to FINA 6630.

This course is an introduction to the use of Business Analytics and big data as a strategic resource. A focus is placed on integrating the knowledge of analytic tools with an understanding of how companies leverage data analytics to gain strategic advantage. The key areas of customer analytics and surveys of data mining techniques and applications will also be covered. Case approach is used to emphasize hands-on learning and a real-world view of Business and big data analytics.

Issues and management techniques involved in administering the information system/resource activities of an organization from a sociotechnical perspective. Covers the management of information resources from a strategic and competitive analysis viewpoint.

Creating value through the development of effective marketing strategy based on forecasting and competitive information and the management of product decisions concerning development, promotion, pricing and packaging for a competitive advantage.
Designed to enhance awareness of how organizational problems can arise from poor people skills, how problems can be minimized or solved by improved people skills and how to develop more effective people skills.

This course will enable the student to think strategically with respect to using information technology for competitive advantage. Students will use strategic models to align the IS group with the organization, and develop an IS strategic plan.

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